The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
- 作者: Hung Mong Wah, Sophie
- 寫作年級: P6
- 寫作日期: 2007-10-8
- 學校: Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Ming Tao Primary School
Everybody knows the story of The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf but no one knows the real story! Nobody has heard my side of the story. I am the shepherd boy, Chris Wood. Everyone thinks that I am a naughty boy, but actually I am not.
I lived in a poor family. So I needed to work hard everyday. Early in the morning, I shepherded the sheep up to the hill. My neighbors always appreciated my hard work. Also, I loved reading. Every night, I lied on my bed and read the books. That morning when I woke up, I couldn’t see things clearly. While the sheep were eating grass on the grassland, I took a nap under a tree.
Suddenly, I saw a wolf trying to attack the sheep. I cried out loudly. The villagers came quickly to rescue the sheep and I. They found a muddy sheep instead of a wolf. I felt sorry for my annoying action.
The next day, I saw Mr Wolf, my neighbor, passing by when I was shepherding the sheep. I was so happy to see Mr. Wolf. So I cried loudly, “Wolf! Wolf!” The villager thought the wolf came in a moment. They were very angry. I was playing tricks on them. I felt helpless.
After that day, I shepherded the sheep as usual. A wolf suddenly attacked the sheep. I cried loudly for help. Unfortunately, nobody came to rescue us. I lost all my sheep.
After hearing my story, do you still think I am playing tricks on them?