What problems the Africans are facing?
- 作者: Alan Tsoi 6A30
- 寫作年級: P6
- 寫作日期: 2010-12
- 學校: Oblate Primary School
There are a lot of problems in Africa. They live with difficultly.
There are so many people in the aid camps. Diseases spread quickly. The soil is dry because it has not rained for many months. They are not strong so they can’t work. The people only have one meal a day so they are hungry most of the time. The water is too dirty so expensive. There are very few doctors or nurses. They use tents as hospitals but there are not many tents.
We can donate money to help them. Also we can have a fun fair to raise money for charity. Oxfam help villagers to dig wells in Africa where there is little water.
They also help to train farmers.
I hope they will have a better life.