Helping People
- 作者: Hung Suet Chui, Giann
- 寫作年級: P5
- 寫作日期: 2012
- 學校: Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Ming Tao Primary School
I help the people when they are in need. I help someone who needs help.
When I am at home, if I have time, I will help my mum to wash the dishes. It is because my mum needs to do a lot of housework. So I want to help her.
When I am at school, I will help the teachers to clean the blackboard, so that they can use the blackboard.
When I am using public transport, such as bus, MTR, etc. I will give my seat to the people who are in need, like the elderly, prengant women and people who carry many things.
I am very happy after helping someone. It is because helping others is the basis of happiness. I hope other people can help others too!