Chinese Tea Culture
- 作者: Chan Wan Sing
- 寫作年級: P5
- 寫作日期: 2009
- 學校: Hong Kong Southern District Government Primary School
Chinese people began to plant tea shrubs as early as 3,000 years ago. They developed their methods to produce tea leaves that are used to make a hot drink.
“Black tea” which is dark in color is the name used by English ─ speaking people. In the Chinese language, we call it “red tea”.
When a great or a visitor arrives, Chinese people would serve a cup of Chinese tea to him/her to show respect and friendship. It has become the general good manners in China.
Drinking tea is also healthy. It helps people always be in high spirit. It can reduce the density of blood fat and the risk of suffering a heart attack by at least 40%.
It is also interesting to know that if a person who is a TV mania, he/she could drink three to five cups of tea every day to prevent the harmful effect of radiation from the fluorescent screen.