A Scary Night
- 作者: Chik Wai Hing
- 寫作年級: P5
- 寫作日期: 2008-5
- 學校: Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Ming Tao Primary School
Last night, Celia’s dad and mum went to M.S.A to work. They told Celia and her little brother that they went away by plane.
Celia and her little brother watched TV and they ate noodles for their dinner. After dinner, they went to bed to sleep.
At midnight, Celia could hear sounds “Woo…” She was very scared and nervous. And then, she saw a shadow on the window. She was frozen in great fear so she went to her little brother’s room as fast as she could and slept with him.
At last, they slept until the morning and their parents were back and asked them to eat breakfast.