A Story
- 作者: Rain Tang
- 寫作年級: P4
- 寫作日期: 2012-12
- 學校: Emmanuel Primary School
晶文薈萃 十優文章
Once upon a time there was a king and a Queen. They lived in a lovely golden castle and had a beautiful daughter, daughter A. But daughter A was very unhappy. She never laughed or smiled. "We will give a magic sword to the person who can make daughter A happy," said the Queen. A musician came and played the piano, a fairy said a magic spell, and a joker came and told jokes, but daughter A did not smile or laugh. A young gardener came to work at the Queen's castle. He came with his little parrot. The little parrot likes to play. One day daughter A saw the parrot and started to smile - then she laughed. The Queen heard her daughter and saw the parrot. The parrot was happy to get a magic sword!