A present for my friend Christina
- 作者: Koon Ching Yee, Shirley
- 寫作年級: P6
- 寫作日期: 2009
- 學校: Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Ming Tao Primary School
Today is my best friend Christina’s Birthday. So I want to make a strawberry birthday cake for her because she likes to eat sweet strawberries very much. Making strawberry birthday cake needs some strawberries, four eggs, a half cup of milk, flour, sugar and cream. First, I put the eggs into a big bowl and mix it. Then, I will cut the strawberries.
Next, I put milk and sugar into the mixture. After that, I put the birthday cake in an oven and cook it for 35 minutes. Finally, I put the small strawberries on the cake. I think the birthday cake is very yummy. She will like it very much.