A Special Present for Alexander T.Wolf
- 作者: Yu Ka Kuen
- 寫作年級: P6
- 寫作日期: 2008-12
- 學校: Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Ming Tao Primary School
Thanksgiving Day was coming soon. But the little pig was angry with Alexander T.Wolf. Because he killed his brothers. So he decided to take revenge on him and wanted to kill him. But how can he kill the wolf? He thought hard and he walked to the market.
The little pig walked and walked. He saw a witch who was selling the poisonous apples.
He thought that it would be the best present for the wolf. Thus, he was going to buy one from the witch. While the witch saw the pig, she said, “Welcome to my stall. If you buy one poisonous apple, I will give you a recipe of the poisonous cookies.” Suddenly, he came up with a great idea. He decided to make the poisonous cookies for the wolf. Therefore, he recipe quickly. After reading the recipe, he bought all the ingredients that he needed and started to make the poisonous cookies.
First, he put butter, sugar and water into a big container. Then, he cut the poisonous apple up into small pieces. Next , he mixed all the ingredients together and stirred then well.
After that, he put them onto a baking-tray and baked them for 5 minutes at 250oC in the oven. Later, he put them into a box. Finally, he made a bow with some beautiful strings.
The next day, the little pig brought along with the box and come to the wolf’s home. He knocked on the door and the wolf came out. The pig said, “Happy Thanksgiving Day!” The wolf was in great surprised and he opened the box at once. He was so happy and hungry that he ate up all the cookies. But, it did not die because the poisonous cookies had some magic power. It could change the bad people to the good ones. So the wolf became a good wolf. Finally, the little pig accepted the wolf’s apology and let him be his maid.
They lived happily thereafter.