What really happened, Mr. Wolf?
- 作者: Kwok Lam Fung
- 寫作年級: P6
- 寫作日期: 2014-2-26
- 學校: Tseung Kwan O Government Primary School
晶文薈萃 十優文章
The wolf was kind. He wanted to return the basket to the little girl. So he followed her along the path. The little girl ran into the house at the end of the path. He knocked on the door but nobody answered. He waved through the window and waited. Then the little girl saw him. She screamed loudly and said, ‘Go away! Ugly wolf!’ He was upset. Suddenly, a cloud in the sky cracked. It was because the little girl screamed too loudly.
Then the wolf heard some voices, ‘Help! Help!’ The wolf looked at the sky. He saw a lot of fairies falling to the ground. A fairy saw the wolf and said, ‘What happened to the little girl?’ ‘I want to return the basket to her but she screamed loudly.’
‘Let me see what is in the basket,’ said the fairy. She opened the basket and found some delicious food. There were sandwiches, cupcakes, apples and chocolate cookies in the basket, ’The sandwiches look delicious!’ a fairy said and started eating the sandwich. The rest of the fairies tried other food and the wolf joined them. Out of all the food, the wolf picked an apple.
‘I thought you are carnivorous,’ asked a fairy.
‘No, I am a vegetarian,’ replied the wolf.
‘I believe there is a misunderstanding between you and the little girl. Let’s return the basket to her,’ said the fairy.
After the hungry fairies and the wolf had finished all the food, they returned to meet the little girl. The fairies explained to the girl that the wolf was kind.
The little girl apologized and eventually made friends with the wolf.