The Beautiful Painter - Liu Tung Mui
- 作者: Vital Kwok Kin Sang
- 寫作年級: P5
- 寫作日期: 2014-5-12
- 學校: Tseung Kwan O Government Primary School
晶文薈萃 十優文章
Good morning/afternoon.
Today I’m going to talk about Liu Tung Mui who is a famous painter. She is famous because her paintings are exhibited all around the world.
Liu Tung Mui was born in Beijing but she is living in Hong Kong now. She cannot walk, talk or take care of herself. Although it is very difficult for her to move her hands and fingers, she did not stop practicing drawing and painting.
Liu Tung Mui likes painting pictures about the nature and uses bright colours to paint her pictures. She uses her pictures to show her feelings and to talk to the outside world too. From Liu Tung Mui, I have learned to be a strong and positive person so I can live a better and more meaningful life.
I hope you found my presentation interesting. Thank you for listening.