My new family member------mimi

  • 作者筆名:黃玉娟
  • 發表日期:2006-08-31
  • 寫作年級:F3
  • 字數:141
  • 文章類別:感想

Mimi is ny dog and she is lovely , but very naught . Her feather is white and has a little bit brown on her ears . She have came to my home about two months. While she arrivel my home ., She slways Sleep and relieve the bowls everywhere . Although her act is disgusting , we still love her. Since Mimi is not clever , she learnt how to go toilet about month! Afer she know how to go toilet , she can walk everywhere in home. Not always stay in the gate . When the door bell ring , she will run to the door immediately! She vomits last night ,we are very worry!Today we bring her to see veterinarian. Fortunlately, She not really sick. She just had stomachache. Now, she sleep as death. We hope she can have enough time to rest and be health again!!