The Three Bears

Once upon a time there were Three Bears.

Papa Bear ,Mama Bear, and Baby Bear.

One day Mama Bear made hot soup for breakfast.

She poured it into three different bowls

--a big bowl,

a medium bowl,

and a small bowl.

But the soup was too hot.

So they walked out into the wood while

the soup was cooling.

And while they were walking,

a little girl named Goldilocks

came to the house.

She knocked the door,

but there was no answer.

So Goldilocks opened the door and went in.

She saw the three bowls of soup on the table.

"I'm so hungry,"she said.

So she tasted the soup in the big bowl.

"This soup is too hot,"she said.

And then she tasted the soup in the medium bowl.

"This soup is too cool,"she said.

And then she tasted the soup in the small bowl.

"This soup is just right,"she said.

She liked it so much that she ate it all.

Then Goldilocks saw the three chairs.

Frist she sat on the chair of Papa Bear.

"This chair is too tall,"she said.

And then she sat on the chair of Mumu Bear.

"this chair is too wide,"she said.

And then she sat on the chair of Baby Bear.

"This chair is just right,"she said.

But the little chair broke and she crashed to the floor.

Goldilocks was so tired

that she went upstairs to the bedroom.

She found three beds.

Frist she lay down on the big bed.

"This bed is too hard,"she said.

And then she lay down on the medium bed.

"This bed is too soft,"she said.

And then she lay down on the small bed.

"This bed is too just right,"she said.

So she lay there till she fell fast asleep.